PSYCHOart is not about ideas, but bunch of verbs that spin in your head like ripping, peeling, cutting, slashing, splashing, splattering, scratching — all very satisfying actions!
PSYCHOart is not predictable, obedient or structured — it happens, just like life.
PSYCHOart is My Heart, My Art, it’s open to interpretation, but not criticism or messages of concern.
PSYCHOart need not be perfect or even aesthetically pleasing — only satisfying, taking the edge off.
You should definitely try PSYCHOart at home, alone!
All you need is loud music, a clean canvas, few lemons that life hands you periodically, a dash of creativity, newspaper and magazines, glue, paint, brushes, some words of choice that address your issues and speak to your sense of sarcasm.