Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Immigrant's ultimate Dream!

Dear Friends,
Tonight, I took myself out to dinner to the best restaurant in town - nothing ordinary there! However, the occasion was extraordinary! First, I raised a glass of bubbly to my health, wealth and happiness. Then, I accompanied the most delicious spaghetti and meet balls with a glass of Pinot Noir. Lastly, I toasted my cannoli with a shot of limoncello. When I deemed that the occasion had been honoured par excellence, I headed home, walking so ever slowly by the marina, taking it all in. Tonight, I was celebrating the end of a long affaire with The Toronto Dominion Bank. I'm debt-free! 
This morning, I paid off my mortgage and cleared my credit card balance! When I got home, I literally kissed my Visa card, thanked it for all services rendered and shoved it in the back of the bottom drawer of a well-hidden chest, right where all the hardships and anxieties belong.
Now, if realizing every immigrant's ultimate dream is not worthy of a celebration (both in cash and calories), I don't know what is!
The only flaw in the evening was that no one, but me, really cared - a price one pays for flying solo!

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